May 31, 2005

deep throat

I have been waiting to know this for a long time. Half my bookshelf is taken up by books on this event. I hope it turns out to be true. Now I need to go back and reread some of them. I don't recall Felt at all when I read them.

Update: PDF of the Vanity Fair article

Update: Wow Woodward confirms

Update: Couple of interesting articles.

Update: One more. Puts Felt's position into perspective. I love Nixon's comments at the end. He effectively rules out Felt as an informant because no one likes a rat and it would kill a career.

Update: Two more. One interesting article by Woodward in today's Wash Post. The second article a whacked out commentary by Ben Stein (the guy who had that terrible game show on Comedy Central, was Ferris Bueller's teacher, was a writer for Nixon, apparently holds a grudge, and is into revisionist history). It's very funny even though he's obviously not trying to be funny.

Note: The last two were picked up from Memeorandum. A great site that streams in news feeds from around the world and has no agenda on what types of articles it presents. It's a great site for those that don't like their news and opinions from a single mindset. Comes with RSS feeds.

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