Jun 8, 2007

you'll be famous tomorrow

Yet another 'Philip K. Dick is about to become big' article. This one from the NY Times. I see one of these every 3 months I think. In fact, amazingly, The NY Times had a similar article ("A Prince of Pulp, Legit At Last") back on May 6 of this year! That's just over a month ago.

Can we just agree that he's made it. That a bunch of movies have been made out his stories, that he's gained some critical recognition for his work, and that he's not the dark horse he was 10 years ago? Can we agree to that?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what's not to agree? i read the article in the NYT a month ago and was puzzled myself. it seems like there's some literary recognition threshold that has to be surpassed, and he hasn't made it yet...doesn't bode well for anyone who wants to be a famous writer. ;-)