Original Safety Razor
Year: 1903
Description: Two sided blade
Slogan: "Will hold its edge for 20 or 30 shaves"
Cost of one blade: $0.05
Trac II
Year: 1971
Description: Two-bladed cartridge
Slogan: "Two blades are better than one"
Cost of one cartridge: $0.20
Year: 1990
Description: Spring-mounted cartridge
Slogan: "Can sense and adjust to the contours of your face"
Cost of one cartridge: $0.79
Mach 3
Year: 1998
Description: three-bladed cartridge
Motto: "You take one stroke, it takes three"
Cost of one cartridge: $1.63
Year: 2006
Description: five-bladed cartridge
Slogan: "The comfort of five blades, the precision of one"
Cost of one cartridge: $3.00
Holy cow those cartridges are getting pricey. I tell you what, let's inflation adjust:
Safety Razor $ 0.52
Trac II $ 0.44
Sensor $ 1.14
Mach 3 $ 1.96
Fusion $ 3.00

My first experience with a safety razor was at the tender age of two. It's my first memory. I saw my dad's razor, picked it up, and dragged it across my face just like dad did. I proceeded to place a nice gash in my left cheek. I bled like a stuck pig. I don't remember any pain. I just remember my nanny walking in and shrieking and then running off. She actually completely ran off. We never saw her again. I expect she thought she'd be fired.
You might think after that I'd want to stay far away from these things. But the more I read the more I think the end product (the shave) is much better. Less irritation and less shaving bumps. It has a little more upfront investment in both money and learning but I like that if it cuts my consumables costs on the back end. Gillette after all makes a crapload of money with their cartridge products.
And besides, there's something about rituals that I like. I still enjoy placing old vinyl albums on a record player and laying the needle on top even though a CD has better sound and is easier to use. I can afford to spend a little more time on shaving if the experience is better. So I've done the research and bought one (the one in the picture) along with a few other accoutrements. I'll report back later with how the whole thing went and key lessons.
1 comment:
I'm in my mid-thirties and have been using a
double sided safety razor for the years.
I love it. Almost no shave irritation if I
pay attention to what I'm doing. And I can
remember the last time I cut my self.
I used to use a Gillette sensor, but the
cartridges were way pricey.
My grandfather left me this unused grooming kit and
had the Gillette safety razor in it. I love it.
You need to buy quality double sided
blades for it, I use Wilkinson Sword,
highly recommend them.
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